The English Dictionary translates the words PURO CHISME distinctively as
The words used in Spanish have a much more vibrant meaning to Raza that implies - what your about to hear may be rumors, tales, stories, with some truth-telling history woven into the beautiful fabric of our lengua y cultura...and maybe sprinkled with a bit of corazon ....Or it could be just BS!
PUROCHISME could be a fib, an embellishment, or the simple truth. In our Blog, we will always strive for positivity and information - to be critically inspiring, perhaps humorous, and provide, magical thoughts - for your spirit, heart and mind. In fact, we are independent publishers too! Check out our Órale Press page.
Our dedicated, volunteer team of writers, bloggers, poets and fledgling story-tellers hope to inspire your days with topics pertinent to all ages and backgrounds, throughout the Americas. Stories can range from Daylight Savings, nopalitos and your umbligo; to why we vote, addictions, Boomer-rage and even the eating habits of the Chupacapra!
Which is why you are invited to visit our site today. Raza of all ages, lifestyles, cultures sharing interesting ideas, opinions, stories, music, poetry, politica and health fulfilling topics to enjoy. Click on any of our menu bar headings and join our discussion on PUROCHISME topics that resonate, instigate and sometimes irritate the brain and soul. Pero acuérdate, que es, PUROCHISME!

​Richard Alvarado | Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Mr. Alvarado received his undergraduate bachelor’s degree with a joint major in History/Chicano Studies at the University of California, Riverside (UCR) in 1983 and holds a master’s degree in public administration from the University of La Verne. He retired in 2011 after 32 years of public service in the criminal justice arena. He is a 37 year active volunteer and current board member with the UCR Alumni Association and a 26-year Board Director with NOVO Federal Credit Union.
​Mr. Alvarado is a published author/writer. His first book, 10-33 On The West Yard was published by Infinity, 2015. His current projects include chapter contributions to Aztlan Journal, UCLA, Vol 43, No.2 (2018) and Gringo Injustice (Routledge, 2019). Curated by Distinguished Professor, Alfredo Mirandé about the historical & current intersection between Latinos and and the Criminal Justice system.
He has also co-authored, with his sister, Cynthia Alvarado, Chile Town, a fictional story about the struggles young Latino’s face in the inner city (March, 2020).
All the aforementioned books are available via Amazon
He is preparing the final book proofs for “LimaLama Warrior.” It is the true story of a Jalisco, Mexico native, raised in El Monte, California who became a 9th Degree Black Belt of a little known but lethal martial arts created in East Los Angeles during the 1960's. He also has another fictional story idea called, "The Warrior Code" in outline form as a book and possible screenplay about barrio courage, loyalty and love .
Mr. Alvarado lives in southern California and remains active in community affairs. He and his wife have 6 adult children and 6 grandchildren.

Cynthia Alvarado | Founder and Co-Editor
Ms. Alvarado attended East Los Angeles College in 1971 and Mt. San Antonio College in 1973-74 before joining American Airlines in 1974. She enjoyed a 38 year career as an International Flight Attendant retiring in 2013. Ms. Alvarado has flown extensively throughout the world visiting, Japan, Europe, Mexico, South America and the Caribbean.
Ms. Alvarado is an accomplished singer, percussionist, and ukulele player. She has performed with Soul Masters and the Rondalla Amerindia de Aztlan over the past 20 years. She is an active member of La Rondalla de San Diego the past eight years. She is also a member of Mensajes who share social-protest and love songs with the world.
Ms. Alvarado is the co-author of her first book series, Chile Town. She is presently working on the draft story outline for Chile Town II. She lives in La Cuna de Aztlan and is active in community affairs. She has three adult children and 4 grandchildren.

Roberto "El Bobby" Rivera | Blog Journalist
Professor Rivera, is formerly from the University of California, Riverside. His area of specialization is in Critical Race Theory. Que, que? Simon, that's why we love him!
He retired after 20 years in public service as a peace officer. He is a U.S. Fulbright Scholar and was been profiled in 2016 as one of two non-attorneys for “Holistic Policing” by Esquire Kim Wright, "Lawyers as C15hangemakers: The Global Integrative Law Movement". American Bar Association. He is a global wanderer of wisdom and proud father of one beautiful young lady.​

Elisa Cortez | Blog Journalist, Digital Content Coordinator
Professional jack of all trades, with a focus on photography, design, and general art production. Focused on topics that uplift, challenge and ignite others.
Owner of Neon Comet Media.

Contributing Writers
Tlaloco: Modern day descendant of TLALOC-Aztec god of Rain, Water and Fertility. He is able to ascertain Chisme at first glance and "spit-out" (writers term for blogging) alternative Chisme on any topic in en-lightening fashion!
soyLulu: The modern day descendant of La Malinche, Hija de la Chingada. She remains vigilant y siempre lista a chingar palabras sobre la vida loca!​
​Sputnik: Inter-dimensional traveler, Cyberpunk, techno-evangelist. Returned to this dimension to bridge the digital divide and empower young and old people alike to embrace technology. Her mission is to leap into the future and preserve our past.
Gabe's Corner: Defender of the faithful and protector of the tent-less. Don Gabe is a voice from the desert who may inspire or simply take an "OG" for a ride!
RazaChisme: Do you have a story to share. Send it our way, Buey. We love to edit and add pictures to short tales of or for Raza. Keep it short pues, tu sabes our readership can't stay on one topic for too long!