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10-33 On The West Yard

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10-33 On The West Yard

Product Details
On August 8, 2009, a “10-33” code was broadcast throughout Chino Prison signaling the start of a mass disturbance involving over 1,100 inmates. Remarkably, the causes of the riot began years ago outside the walls of the prison. The reader is taken on a true crime journey from the community to inside the prison walls and back- to discover how we view crime and why peace officers have engaged criminals the same way the past forty years. The book describes the impact of our collective crime agenda, sharing true stories of peace officers and offenders that puts “a face” to crime.
“Richard Alvarado provides a unique historical overview of the changes the exploding California parole population had on prison and parole services and the challenges faced by rank and fi le parole agents in meeting the public safety mission.” — Nal Pedrosian, Regional Parole Administrator, Region III, Department of Adult Parole Operations, Ret. “An excellent, timely, and thoughtful analysis of the dilemmas faced by contemporary law enforcement and a must read for anyone interested in crime and justice. Richard Alvarado describes the forces that drive peace officers in their interaction with suspected offenders. He argues persuasively that societies’ view of crime needs to change before criminal justice strategies can strike a balanced approach that will be embraced by politicians, community leaders and the society at large.” — Alfredo Mirande, JD, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology and Ethnic Studies, University of California, Riverside. Author of ten books, including Gringo Justice, Rascuache Lawyer, and Jalos, USA. “Richard Alvarado’s personal experience working with juvenile and adult offenders provided him clarity on the impact of California policies that failed to reduce crime and recidivism. He effectively connects the criminal justice dots between policing, probation and parole strategies and the predictable court actions.” — Marco Antonio Rodriquez, Esq., Chula Vista Law.
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