We were thinking about – The Year 2020 of The Corona – and all the crazy stuff we did to survive our fears!
As the year finally ends, we considered sharing refleciones or worse our new year’s resolutions and said, Chále (Hell No)!
Why screw up the new year, admitting our disappointments from this year and potential failures for next year.
Tu sabes, that list of self-imposed prognostications that are merely procrastination's that turn into year-end cruel defeats and sorrow. A pinche lista that is prepared in advance – BY YOU, FOR YOU – to bury in a drawer, to ignore, forget, deny and finally abhor at years end. The lista looks something like this:
Lose weight...Eat Health...Exercise More...Read more books...Learn something new (Guitar/language/etc)...
Get Organized...Travel...Get a promotion...Get a new job...Move out of my Parents House...Drink less...Smoke less...Save more...
Spend more time with Family & Friends...Clean my office/garage/house/etc...Stop my addictions!
Yeah, you recognize the lista! Plenty of well meaning, organized personality types and the rest of us vato locos y locas do this paper mierda (shit) exercise every year. In fact, this humble blogger, admits to having practiced this futile art of self-deprecation for years until finally seeing the light.
Simon, we finally found the pinche light switch in our cabezas and settled on a better morvida to satisfy our soul.
Can you find yours?
Instead of making shit up, we are gonna just end this year with all the positive pedo we actually did accomplish in this ugly año called 2020.
Tú sabes, end the year positive, despite the battles it took to make it.
Your lista could include anything: Cleaned the car, garage. Visited familia. Spoke with old friends. Made dinner for a loved one. Lo que sea.
You may surprise yourself with your list of Things I Got Done, we definitely were!
Here is the Purochisme Lista Positiva de 2020
We read the following books this year: The Inexplicable Logic of My Life, Sáenz (2017); Dylan Goes Electric, Wald (2015); The Universal Tone, Santana (2014); An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States, Dunbar-Ortiz (2014); and The Spirit of Chicano Park, Zamora/Meza (2020).
We contributed a chapter in another book: Gringo Injustice, Insider Perspectives on Police, Gangs and Law. Edited by Alfredo Mirandé, Ph.D. JD. (2020).
We established our website and publishing company: February of this year, Órale Press, @PuroChismeBlog (96 + posts) and www.purochisme.org (40 blogs).
But who's counting posts and blogs? Ok, we are, no matter how few...proudly!
We expanded our garden experience: Planted a plum tree and harvested; Wheat Grass, Ginger, Pecans, Chiles, Pomegranates, and Dragon Fruit.
We expanded our networks with businesses and non-profits: Joined with UNIDOS (https://unidosfor.org/); Inland Empire, California Book Club (http://iecwc.com/); Publishers & Writers San Diego (http://publisherswriters.org/).
We gave a virtual panel presentation: At the California Sociological Association on systemic Hyper-criminalization of Raza.
We were selected/elected to provide guest blog posts: On Fresh Ink Journal and UNIDOS website.
We researched more stuff: Much more than we wanted but necessary to inspire and/or perspire our audience.
We recruited another Blogger: “Gabe’s Corner,” to join our cast of “Pen”-ologists.
We wrote two new songs in our collection of “Protesta con Amor.” One called, “Save the Children” y la otra, “Puro Mentiras”
We started another writing project: Lima Lama Warrior – A story through the eyes of a man born in Teocaltiche, Jalisco, Mexico. Raised in South El Monte, who learned the deadly Martial Art, Lima Lama (Hands of Wisdom), that was created in East Los Angeles in the mid-1960's and is now one of the most popular in Mexico.
Finally, we got addicted to social media “data”: Mainly to impress ourselves with likes, shares, saves and comments. It's a good thing...we think...trying to learn the social media terrain...the slippery slope of Influencers, Propaganda and fake news!
We’ll be alright, because we joined a twelve-step program for social media and our other addiction - tortillas!
Sadly, we are losing one of the addiction battles!
Mental aspirations always come in a distant second place to our taste buds and hunger pains...Humm, tortillas!